Material Information for Investors
Announcement of the completion of capital reduction registration
Announcement of the completion of capital reduction registration
  To which item it meets
article 4 paragraph 36
  Date of events
1.Date of the competent authority’s approval of capital reduction:2020/12/30
2.Date of completion of capitalization change registration:2021/02/09
3.Effect on the financial statements (including any discrepancy between the amount of paid-in capital and the no.of shares outstanding, and the effect on net worth per share):
(1)Before capital reduction: The amount of paid-in capital was NTD 730,086,930; the number of common shares outstanding was 73,008,693. Net worth per share was NTD 28.83. 
(2)After capital reduction: The amount of paid-in capital was NTD 547,797,410; the number of common shares outstanding was 54,779,741. Net worth per share was NTD 35.09.
4.Plan for expected exchange of shares:Referred to Material Information posted on 8 January, 2021.
5.Estimated no.of listed common shares after capital reduction and new issue:54,779,741 shares
6.Estimated no.of listed common shares as a percentage of issued common shares after capital reduction and new issue (No.of common shares after capital reduction/No.of issued common shares):100%
7.Countermeasures for poor circulation of equity if the aforesaid estimated no.of listed common shares does not reach 5 million shares and the percentage does not reach 25% after capital reduction:NA
8.Any other matters that need to be specified:
(1)The change of registeration for this capital reduction is approved by the Ministry of Economic Affairs by the Lettter No.11001024640 on 9 February, 2021.
((2)The above-mentioned plan for exchange of shares has not been approved by the competent authority. If the content changes after approval, the company will announce the change in another announcement.